Invisible made visible.

Hollywood has nothing on G-d when it comes to frightening. The unseen world around us becomes more visible as advancements in our technology increases. By bringing that which was invisible into the visible our understanding of it increases. It happened for the angels who insisted on seeing the Most High G-d.  He needed to become visible,  faith in worshiping the Son in heaven was just not enough. G-d explained to me the image in relationship to what NASA was seeing with their new high-tech cameras. The kingdom of G-d is a well-ordered functioning body that is purged of all infection. In order to be part of that kingdom sin cannot enter it must be purged from us it is the cancer that destroys a society.    The angels act like white corpuscles destroying sin and have come to do just that Jesus promised signs in the heavens and on the earth… Read moreInvisible made visible.