A covering protects…

This image is of a jelly fish, and many of these have tentacles that can cause great pain even death.  Lucifer we are told was a covering and here G-d is revealing the search for another. The anger and wrath of G-d comes due to disobedience.  Lucifer was created to protect the throne that His Son would one-day claim.  The very protection G-d placed over His Son’s throne sought to take it from Him.  Without  the Son life could not exist  utopia could not be had.. .Jesus was looked at by the angels as the Most High. The very protection we place over ourselves only seeks to enslave us, and punish us.  How odd is that? There are seven tentacles, seven nodules and seven connectors between the nodules.  The covering protects from the wrath in the tentacles.  777 equals 21 this is of the Father.  The headdress (the covering) protecting… Read moreA covering protects…